Our Products
Best of Sound and Music Healing

Linda PannellI am passionate about sound and its power to heal, so I have created a “Best of Sound Healing” Package containing mp3 downloadable recordings of my conversations with Steven Halpern, Jonathan Goldman, and other sound and music healers.

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Everyone is a Healer: The Healing Power of Love

Sheva Carr

The following classes are part of a larger 10-Week, Global Training Series created and presented by Sheva Carr, Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Polarity Therapist, and founding director of HeartMath's® HeartMastery program with Guest Speakers Robert Thomas Browning, B.A. Director & Master Teacher - HeartMath LLC, Health Care Systems Watson Caring Science Institute - Faculty, Gary B. Strauss, Polarity Therapist and Master Instructor, and others.

The live event has ended, however, you may still purchase audios for individual classes using the links below.  To learn more and to purchase the mp3 audio downloads for the entire series, click here.

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Evolving Consciousness; Consciously Evolving -- An Experiential Training Experience

Explore the heart of Sacred Wisdom. A no-cost event in collaboration with the Institute for Noetic Sciences (IONS).

In collaboration with the Institute for Noetic Sciences (IONS), we have created this experiential training experience to explore the heart of Conscious Wisdom at its most intimate, sacred, and infinite possibility. Much more than an interview series, these are experiential training sessions to transform your life and the lives of everyone everywhere for a sustainable planet and cosmos.

Join us from the comfort of your home beginning May 10, 2010

“To create a new future, look to the wisdom of the past…Uncovering ancient secrets, unlocking powerful codes…” Gregg Braden

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Heart of Business Coaching Group

Sheva CarrScientists are only beginning to understand the vast power and genius of a coherent heart. And while you may not understand all the scientific information, you have experienced the heart’s sensations, its whispers, and its callings. The heart’s wisdom is simple yet profound, and tapping into the heart’s genius has an immediate impact on every area of your life.

In this live coaching group by telephone bridge line, Sheva Carr, world-renowned Licensed HeartMath Trainer and CEO of Fyera!, and I explore the power of the heart, coaching you to heal and transform your business. Creating awareness and then applying simple techniques, heart technologies, and practical tools for everyday spirituality, we support you in accessing the genius of your heart and the heart of your business even (and especially) in the midst of chaos and upheaval – anytime, anywhere. And it’s EASY. Experience your heart’s deep desires, reveal your heart’s highest blueprint with ease and clarity!

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Heart of Business Laser Group Coaching

Sheva Carr Laser group coaching is individual coaching for 5 to 15 minutes within a group setting. Participants come prepared with their questions and deliver the question with laser-like precision, honing the issue and bringing it down to a bite-sized piece to allow for everyone’s issues to be addressed in a 60 minute call.

No need to heal old issues, expose your feelings, change your thoughts, or heal your past. Coaching goes directly to the experience of your heart’s true desires, helping you clarify your heart’s blueprint with ease!

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Heart of Business Mastermind - HeartMind

Sheva CarrThe heart’s tools, while deceptively simple, are profound and enduring, connecting you to Source and attracting unimaginable resources and people to help you unfold and live your heart’s highest calling.

Tapping into the heart’s wisdom reveals the next step and eliminates stress and limits, creating not only ease and inspiration but also flow, joy, peace, energy, and abundance toward your highest heart’s blueprint and calling.

I believe there are no secrets and no keys, only places within our hearts that have not been explored—ancient places holding ancient heart wisdom and heart technologies begging for expression in modern miracles.

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Heart of Healing - Power Tools for Conscious Shift

Linda PannellTeleSeminar: Power Tools for Conscious Shift & Healing

When: Thursday, March 11, 2010 at 9 p.m. EST (60 minutes)

Where: From the Comfort of Home

Summary: This is an age and a moment of miracles as well as a time to heal and shift perspective, consciousness, and vibration.

In this call, you will learn tools to shift your energy and your vibration, freeing space to create the new. Discover easy yet powerful tools for self healing empowerment (SHE).

Benefits: Learn tools to:

  • -Unlock your body’s innate healing wisdom
  • -Discover and release what keeps you stuck in old energy patterns
  • -Unleash the essence of freedom and success
  • -Find your true commitments and where are you blocked
  • -Take back your power, take back your life
  • -Find the miracle and perfection in challenge
  • -Discover the Healing power of the feminine -- the heart
  • -The healing power of prayer

Your Gift: $29 until Friday, March 5th at midnight. $67 after that.

Love Yourself Forward: Dare to be The Most Magical You

Linda PannellA 5-Week Mastermind and Group Coaching Experience (It’s Not Just for Women) … Project SHE Self Healing Empowerment:

Dare to try this…


Look into the mirror, gaze deeply into your eyes, and from the fullest depths of your heart, repeat these words, “I completely love and accept myself…”

If the tears start to flow or the words refuse to come, then I invite you to join me beginning Tuesday, April 13th at 1 p.m. ET for Love Yourself Forward – Dare to be The Most Magical You, a 5-Week Mastermind and Group Coaching Experience. It’s your time for a journey to the infinite depth of Self Love—a breathtaking ride to self intimacy, trust, healing, and miracles.

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Remember Who You Are: Activate Your Feminine Heart Wisdom

Linda PannellWe stand at the threshold of an elegant new awakening on planet Earth, a quantum leap in consciousness and vibration, and an emerging new species of humanity yearning to express its life purpose—a yearning born of creativity and innovation in the face of crisis and extinction.

Some call it The Shift. Others call it The Ascension. And many say simply 2012. But regardless of the name, the essence is clear, transformation is happening, and you stand in a place of infinite potential and possibility to create a new earth your way. Together, we are moving toward a new birth of humanity with love as its essence and the creative, feminine, evolutionary impulse at its heart.

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The Art & Science of Twin Flames Reveals the Meaning of Life...

Star Doves

The Art & Science of Twin Flames Reveals the Meaning of Life...

The Twin Flame experience unravels a life course, teaching you how to consciously manifest what you really want in life instead of continually manifesting unconsciously what you don’t want.

Living with your Twin Flame teaches you how to master relationships, finances, health and emotions. This Teleseminar will impart principles & techniques teaching you how to manifest your dreams.

Join me as I host the StarDoves on Wednesday, March 24, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. EDT for Part II of the Twin Flame Teleseminar series. Part II is designed to assist you in finding your Twin Flame.

Plus, a special bonus: How to Find Your Twin Flame.

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Twin Flames & Soul Mates: Shifting the Paradigm

Angelina HeartPlease join me on May 17th at 7 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. PT as I interview Angelina Heart, author of the multi-award-winning Twin Flame novel, The Teaching of Little Crow, the journey of the soul. Angelina is not just another author writing about human perception of Twin Flames. She's a Master Teacher who shares the Ascended Master teachings about the reconnection process and the co-creative power of this most sacred union.? ?At this critical juncture in humanity's evolvement, many are being called to the conscious Twin Flame union for purposes of loving this world free from the illusion of duality. Author and teacher Angelina Heart assists those drawn to the Twin Flame vibration to awaken and reignite the memory of at-one-ment with both All That Is and their Divine Complement. Her ongoing offerings continue to provide both the education and tools necessary to access the limitless co-creative capabilities of the Twin Flame Heart Womb.

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Unplug from the Patriarchy - Align with the New World, Part 2

Lucia ReneIn our first call, Unplug From the Patriarchy - Align with the New World, Part 1, Lucia reviewed the nine major components of the New World Order and how to reconcile their energies within you. She focused on one of the nine - issues around money - and shared her processing technique, showing how to work through the layers of emotion surrounding money issues or any issues about the patriarchal system.

Part 2 of this teleseminar will be a more in-depth session on how to bring your internal Patriarchy to rest and make your peace with a system that is coming unraveled. We will cover all of the nine major components of the patriarchal system in this hour and a half session, then take questions and answers at the end.

Date: Tuesday, April 27th

Time: 6 PM Eastern

Cost: $29.00

Where: From the comfort of your home.

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Linda PannellThe moon, menses, and moon time, hold wisdom and power in our lives; however, we have lost touch with that meaning and power, almost pretending it does not exist.

Still, according to Brooke Medicine Eagle, this information is a profound and important piece of our offering as women toward the evolution and continued survival of humanity.

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World Changing Wisdom Speakers

Linda PannellEveryone knows that we are living in changing times. And sometimes those changes are coming on so fast we may feel as if we've lifted off the very planet we live on. It is nice when we can find a connection, a balance that brings happiness, health and abundance.

January 12, 2009 was the launch the event that has listeners begging for more. My vision is to bring Ancient Wisdom and Modern Miracles together for the world to share.

If you were on those calls, you had the opportunity to hear masters and speakers from a variety of fields. Every once in a while you get to experience a feeling of such elation you want it to go on forever. The energy on these calls was like that. Even long after the event has ended the community remains.

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