A 5-Week Mastermind and Group Coaching Experience (It’s Not Just for Women) … Project SHE Self Healing Empowerment:
Dare to try this…
Look into the mirror, gaze deeply into your eyes, and from the fullest depths of your heart, repeat these words, “I completely love and accept myself…”
If the tears start to flow or the words refuse to come, then I invite you to join me beginning Tuesday, April 13th at 1 p.m. ET for Love Yourself Forward – Dare to be The Most Magical You, a 5-Week Mastermind and Group Coaching Experience. It’s your time for a journey to the infinite depth of Self Love—a breathtaking ride to self intimacy, trust, healing, and miracles.
It’s not about masturbation, and it’s not just for women. It’s for everyone with a creational soul and spirit, everyone who longs for a loving relationship, everyone experiencing addiction or depression to fill the void of not living fully expressed. It’s for everyone who dares be magical…who knows the possibility of creating miracles in your life, your business, your relationship, your family.
Experience the following things:
Dare to be the most magical expression of who you are.
Discover the Healing Power of Creativity…
Activate Your Pure Creational Genius..
Be easy…
Create What You Want
- Create fertile environments that support, hold, titillate, tickle, inspire and nurture your creative soul and spirit
- Get a New Story and Bring it to life
- The Magic of limitless possibility…
- Dare to create miracles
Discover the power of your Masculine & Feminine wisdom, The Feminine principle – its healing wisdom.
- Access your intuition and heart knowing as your guide
- Discover and activate Your Heart’s Healing Power and Wisdom
- Power Tools to Ease Into Your Heart and Out of Your Head
- Activate and Empower Your Feminine Healing Wisdom…Be a Super Hero
Find Your Truest Voice and most compassionate self
What you get:
- 5 Hours of Live Masterminding and Laser Group Coaching by Telephone bridge line
- One-Day-of-Silence Virtual Retreat (By telephone bridge line) - Getting Silent to tap into Intuition, Source, Heart Knowing
- Connections
- Resources
- Collective Group Wisdom
- Accountability
From the Comfort of Your Home
When: 5 Tuesdays at 1 p.m. ET beginning April 13th, 2010
With a Gift of $447 … save $200 if you act before tomorrow, March 3rd, with the following code: selflove
Click Here to Register
In this 5-week live, Experiential Teleseminar-based Mastermind and Group Coaching, you will explore:
- Who Are You?
- Have you forgotten?
- How can you begin to remember?
- What is Your Life Purpose and Passion?
- What do you Want? How can you know?
- How can you Be the fullest, most magical expression of who you are
- Remembering your Connection to Source -- Connection to Source, to Self, to Others (and the high cost of disconnection)
- Know, Like, Trust, Accept Self – Do you love yourself, warts and all?
- What is Healing? What is Love?
- Overcoming Fear, Self Doubt, Frustration, Isolation, Overwhelm
- Conscious WOW! Wholeness Oneness Wellbeing
- What do you want?
- What gets in the Way…
- Blind spots, mirrors, myths that keep us stuck
- Focus, Clarity, Expanding Awareness, The Next Highest Step
- From Fear to Love
- Values, Value, Vision
- Power of Passion – Passionate tools for everyday spirituality
- Attitudes, Beliefs, Stories, Judgment
- Victim v conscious awareness and personal responsibility
- Get real with yourself and everyone else – Honesty -- The Power of Connection, Creativity, Congruence, Coherence, Alignment, Authenticity
- Intimacy – a breathtaking ride to freedom
- Take back your power stand in your magnificence
- Pass up good for magnificent
- The Healing Power of Self Love and The High Cost of Not Loving
- Why Self Love is the greatest gift you can give
- What’s Stopping It and You – What is working? What isn’t? What is Draining You (Tolerations)?
From the Comfort of Your Home
When: 5 Tuesdays at 1 p.m. ET beginning April 13th, 2010
With a Gift of $447 … save $200 if you act before tomorrow, March 3nd, with the following code: selflove
Click Here to Register
How does self-love affect Addiction, Depression, Recovery
What is the Power of Gratitude, Forgiveness, and Abundance
Distinctions and Life’s Essential Paradoxes
- Power-to vs. Power-Over
- Selfless Selfishness
- Giving as Receiving
