Remember Who You Are: Activate Your Feminine Heart Wisdom |
Some call it The Shift. Others call it The Ascension. And many say simply 2012. But regardless of the name, the essence is clear, transformation is happening, and you stand in a place of infinite potential and possibility to create a new earth your way. Together, we are moving toward a new birth of humanity with love as its essence and the creative, feminine, evolutionary impulse at its heart.
Everywhere, people are awakening to their own creative, spiritual potential
and to the ancient heart wisdom of Oneness. This is an awakening of vast measure,
characterized in part by a longing to connect to self, to Source, to each other,
and to all that is... This is an exclusive opportunity for those ready to connect to the infinite power, possibility, and heart of “who you are” in business and in life—those who are ready to create miracles for everyone, everywhere, all the time … Almost every successful millionaire in history has been a member of at least one paid mastermind group. Those people say masterminding was the reason for their success; however, my sense is that within successful mastermind groups, coherent hearts too are key. Experience the Power of Collective, Coherent Hearts & MindsSavvy, like-minded, heart-focused, conscious, creative, evolutionary entrepreneurs all over the planet value their Mastermind Groups because they know that masterminding gives them the benefit of collective connective consciousness, collective heart wisdom, and collective heart intelligence. Masterminding is a heartbeat, a pulse... a true source of empowerment, resources, and energy to fuel your own “rockets of desire,” a powerful attractor allowing you to create with lightness, fun, and ease… Heartful Masterminding Activates Your Brilliance, your Genius, Your Magnificence through Heart Focus for Your Success..."And, it is truly easy, but ‘easy’ has nothing to do with zero effort or no action. In fact, the opposite is true. It means that with the right focus, attitude, perspective, and tools to tap into the power of your heart, you create a vacuum drawing you toward your success and it toward you. You become a magnet so powerful you can change the electromagnetic field of our planet. Properly-structured and regularly scheduled masterminds can create extraordinary results because you begin to activate your heart genius, get clear and get real about your life purpose and core values with laser focus on what you want in every area of your life and laser ability to articulate that focus from your core and your essence tapping into the essence of what your want. Imagine the powerful impact on your life and business when you participate in a professional mastermind group with wisdom and love that radiates from the heart... Masterminding allows you to access your own wholeness as well as that of the group, to leverage the group wisdom, and to accept personal responsibility and personal accountability for your own success. It offers a space to create blueprints for the heart of success, bringing love, spirit, and soul back to the life of business and the business of life. Tapping into the collective
mind and collective heart reduces individual time, energy, and effort, allowing
you to access an infinite reserve of resources and possibility.
Begin to articulate your heart’s deepest desires. Articulate your values around the feminine, its role in your life, and its role in your intimate relationships as well as your values around the masculine. Discuss how opening deeply to our unique essences and their energies plays a vital role in our ability to open completely to conscious, loving, deeply fulfilled relationships. Identify characteristics of the feminine, its energy and purpose as well as characteristics of the masculine and the dance of the two Engage in deep, open, honest discussion about the vital role of the feminine in co-creating as well as the power of fear of the feminine to close off all possibility of consciousness within our relationships. Identify ways in which honoring the miracle of the feminine can be a foundation for and the key to attracting and creating as well as ways in which betraying both the feminine and the masculine as well as our heart’s deepest yearning (both masculine and feminine) destroys possibility of the dance of creation Identify elements of our personal environments that can be re-created to attract conscious/loving relationships or negative/draining relationships in their lives. Begin to play with ideas around ways to return to honor the feminine in our lives. Discuss the role of self care, self love, principles of attraction, honoring truest self and highest purpose in the creation and fulfillment of conscious relationships. Articulate and learn how to use powerful questions to raise awareness around what they most want in life Discuss the part memes and fear of the feminine play in our inability to open fully within our intimate relationships. A Passion to Create Miracles...I am a Coach, Teleseminar Producer, Creator of Science, Spirituality, & The Sacred: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Miracles, and Chief Evolutionary Officer for World Changing Wisdom. I'm a former lawyer, I now study Universal Laws within this vibrational Universe--Universal Lawyer ™. I listen to the rhythm and the whisper and vibration of my heart—somewhat of a Heart Whisperer ™. The Universe conspires on your behalf when you are open, receptive, and authentic, honoring your values, your value, and your vision. I am passionate about helping you heal your life and heal your business through the power of your Heart. Masterminding Is a Gift of Self Love...This Monthly Mastermind beginning Tuesday, March 2, 2010. Why It Works…Most free Masterminds don’t work because the groups lack focus and structure, allowing some members to monopolize while other members are left out, which wastes time, money, attention, energy, and effort. However… Professional masterminds are different. Like the human heart, they have a
rhythm, a flow, an Energy, and a structure. They start, end, and stay on time
with a focus, a design, an attention, and an intention. With attention and
energy management, you create more of everything… Money, Love, Abundance, Connections,
Resources, Energy, and Time…Time to create what you really want in your life. Mastermind Structures…
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