Unplug from the Patriarchy - Align with the New World, Part 2

Lucia ReneIn our first call, Unplug From the Patriarchy - Align with the New World, Part 1, Lucia reviewed the nine major components of the New World Order and how to reconcile their energies within you. She focused on one of the nine - issues around money - and shared her processing technique, showing how to work through the layers of emotion surrounding money issues or any issues about the patriarchal system.

Part 2 of this teleseminar will be a more in-depth session on how to bring your internal Patriarchy to rest and make your peace with a system that is coming unraveled. We will cover all of the nine major components of the patriarchal system in this hour and a half session, then take questions and answers at the end.

Date: Tuesday, April 27th

Time: 6 PM Eastern

Cost: $29.00

Where: From the comfort of your home.

Please register even if you can't attend the live event. All paid registrants will receive a downloadable mp3 audio after the call.



Lucia René has been a professional actress, a computer science consultant, and a teacher of self-discovery. She was ordained as a Buddhist monk and lectured on meditation and mysticism at universities throughout the United States.

Lucia's exploration of consciousness has spanned nearly 40 years and drew her to the practices of Hinduism, Zen, Vadriyana Buddhism, and Advaita and culminated in a 17-year apprenticeship to an enlightened master of American Buddhism, psychic development, and mysticism.

Using her mystical training, Lucia collaborated with other female mystics to identify the hidden energy structures underlying our economic-social-political systems, deconstructed her personal buy-ins to those structures, and offered herself in service to facilitate the dismantling of the structures themselves and their vice-grip on the global collective consciousness.

She now shares with us the first in her Unplugging trilogy. Unplugging the Patriarchy was released in early 2010; Earth Versus the Patriarchy is expected later in 2010 and Unplugging the Patriarchal Female is expected in 2011.

Just below the surface of our modern world lurks a hidden energy structure created purposefully, during the 5,000-year Patriarchy, to limit the consciousness of each and every human being. When three women trained in the mystical arts unite to take this structure apart, they are catapulted into the corridors of power, the recesses of their own minds, and the expanding consciousness of a new age.

Unplugging the Patriarchy reveals an x-ray view of the world in which we live. It is a testament to feminine power, service, and love -- an unforgettable novel that will inspire you to unplug the Patriarchy within yourself.

Lucia writes “Between now and 2012, as the old patriarchal age ends and a new age begins, we—women and men alike—have a window of opportunity: the opportunity to dream a new world based in the energy of the heart, masculine/feminine balance, unconditional love, and respect. There is no question that this new world will prevail. The only question is: How big can we dream?”
