Gregg Braden
Choice Point 2010: Fractal Time, Returning Cycles, and the New World
this compelling presentation, New York Times bestselling author Gregg
Braden merges the modern discoveries of nature's patterns (fractals)
with the ancient view of a cyclic universe.
Howard Martin
Global Coherence, together with Gregg Braden
this event, learn about: The Global Coherence Initiative and the Intelligence
of the heart; one of the most important projects taking place today;
technology developed by HeartMath that tens of thousands of people
around the world are using to increase coherence and reduce stress…
C. Norman
Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.
Solar Homeopathy, Health, and Longevity
are telomeres and how are they responsible for health and longevity?
What is the science behind tapping? How and why does it promote healing?
Dr. Shealey shares his profound wisdom and research about the science
and spirit of healing
Raymon Grace
Energizing Water, Human Trafficking, and Abuse
dowser, author, and trainer, Raymon Grace tells you how to energize
water for yourself using radio waves and how dowsing can improve your
life. He shares how his work with the Raymon Grace Foundation cleaning
up the water, earth and air, changing and improving the energy in schools,
and the reducing crime and abuse.
Rom Bada
Ascended Health
What do Tibetan bowls, dolphin healing sounds, Lemurian healing crystals, soil-based microbes, conscious intent, scalar wave technology and "black mud" toothpaste have in common? Well, believe it or not, these elements are all being utilized in the development of a unique blend of live, whole earth natural remedies for the regeneration of our body.
Steve Sisgold
What's Your Body Telling You?
will show you 7 "Whole Body" Tips for Coping with Economic Stress by
Listening to Your body's signals. Learn to stop anxiety, erase self-doubt,
and achieve true wellness.
Brian McClure
A Call To Consciousness: Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things
this call, find out why Brian McClure created The Universal Flag. Learn
its purpose, and its power. Learn how you can help.
Rick Hanson,
Buddha's Brain
practical neuroscience of happiness, love, & wisdom. Change your
brain, change your life. Can you light up brain circuits to relieve
stress, have emotional balance, shape your brain for inner peace and
happiness? Jesus, Moses, the Buddha, did.
Ariane de
The First 30 Days
this call, Ariane de Bonvoisin, Change Coach and author of The
First 30 Days, introduces the nine principles that will help you
develop an optimistic mind-set toward change even in the midst of job
loss, divorce, and other crises and the singlemost important change
you can make.
Barbara Marx Hubbard
Humanity Ascending: Visions
of a Universal Humanity
is a Universal Human? Are we headed for a planetary birth experience
in our lifetime? Barbara explains.
Genita Petralli
Sustainable Green Mental Health: The Alternative to Toxic Psychiatric
about Genita's treatment program that allows people to reclaim their
lives from psychiatric drugs, street drugs, and alcohol addiction using
a model of Functional Medicine, Diagnostics, and orthomolecular medicine
to resolve the underlying health issue that led to drug usage.
P.M.H. Atwater
Our New Children
are the new children? What are their characteristics and energy patterns?
Should we continue to label them? What does prophesy say? Near-death
researcher P.M.H. Atwater shares her wisdom in this 90-minute teleseminar.
Dr. David
Simon, M.D.
Free to Love, Free to Heal
cancer, and heart disease--if you are willing to look at the story
behind the illness (including core beliefs, toxic emotions, and painful
memories), healing and transformation can occur.
Daniels, MD
The Essential Enneagram
Daniels, clinical professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at
Stanford Medical School and co-author of The Essential Enneagram, reveals
the power of the Enneagram to enhance your quality of life.
The Big Book of YOU
this program, Jennifer will be offering her unique skills to deliver
solutions for taking the challenges life throws at you and using them
to find release and peace.
Fred Burks
Want to Know?
is being hidden from the public; creating conditions for war-- roots
of war on terror; keys to a bright future; integrating light and shadow.
Baeth Davis
5 Secrets to get Paid for Your Passions!
it time to stop the chaos or being bored and do what you love? It's
easier than you think - IF you know what to avoid and what to embrace.
The Business
Evoking the Absolute
With self-mastery comes the power over nature. Steve & Aime McCrory, co-founders of The Business Muse will reference examples from the teachings of Manley P. Hall and his wife Marie Bauer Hall, R.S. Clymer, old Rosicrucian & Hermetic texts that offer hidden ideas, concepts and possibilities buried within the crevices of modern culture.
Mike Robbins
Be Yourself, Everyone Else is Already Taken
this call, personal growth expert and bestselling author, Mike Robbins
reveals the 5 principles of authenticity, the importance of being real,
and why it is so difficult in our culture. He will show you learn how
churches, schools, family, and work impact your ability to be real.
Brad Yates
Tapping into Being the Change
Catalyst Brad Yates shares his wisdom about EFT, what it is, and how
it clears your blocks to greatness. Experience a live demonstration
for a powerful shift in consciousness.
Mariel Hemingway
Mariel's Kitchen
why a healthy body, mind, and spirit is the first step to becoming
conscious of the health and well being of the environment. Discover
how your relationship with food affects every area of your life.
Finding Your People, Your Offer, Your Brand, Your Niche ... Using
this informative talk, learn how to tap into Spirit to select the perfect
niche for your business AND brand it to stand apart from the pack and
attract media. Learn what it takes to 'get known now'.
Maryam Webster
Five Keys To Remaining Conscious & Blissful Through The Holidays
this very special "holiday treat" call you'll discover simple
ways to evolve your state of consciousness that utilizes the internal programming
every human has encoding both our positive and negative experiences.
David Wolfe
Longevity NOW
Wolf's LongevityNow Program explains in detail the most cutting-edge
advances in health science and nutrition. Twenty years of investigation
have revealed the primary causes of aging and how aging can be stopped
and reversed.
Jim Self
Mastering Alchemy: Practical Tools for Managing the Shift
Shift… We've been hearing about it for so long, it's hard to believe
that, finally, it's here! But what exactly is shifting? What are we moving
from? What are we moving toward? And - more importantly – what difference
is it really going to make to your world…your life… your family… your
loved ones… and you?
Marci Shimoff
Happy for No Reason: 7 Steps to Being Happy from the Inside Out
myths block your happiness? What is the connection between happiness
and the Law of Attraction and how do you actually apply the Law of
Attraction? During this call, bestselling author, Marci Shimoff, tells
you how you can be happy even during times of challenge.
Laura Silva
Developing Your Inner Power through Self-Development
Inner Power is that which one gains by cultivating their ability to interpret and discern one's inner experiences.
Eric Pearl
The Essence of Healing®
is Reconnective Healing and how does it transcend the limits of energy
healing? In this live call, Dr. Eric Pearl explains.
Susan Cox
Green Power Girl & The GreenPower Heroes
how Susan's superheros can help your children heal our planet and find
solutions to our energy needs.
Arjuna Ardagh
What is Awakening Coaching?
is the giant leap beyond personal growth and development into the dimension
of yourself where you are all ready whole, free and not separate. Arjuna
Ardagh will show you how this is happening for millions of people these
days, in a spirit that is co-creative, easy and impacts day to day
How to Relax about Money & Everything Else
and transform yourself in the areas of money, creative thinking, exquisite
self-care and love, and be an "energy shifter" no matter what
your circumstances are.
Cousens, M.D.
Culture of Life and Liberation
will introduce the Culture of Life and Liberation, a lifestyle that
gives birth to peace on the seven levels of body, mind, family, community,
culture, ecology, and Divinity, as an alternative to the Culture of
Death so pervasive in our society.
Conscious Entrepreneurship: Your Road to Fulfillment and Freedom
the critical missing information about conscious entrepreneurship that
nobody is talking about and the shifts you must make to experience
fulfillment and freedom.
Sonia Choquette
Travelling at the Speed of Love
at the Speed of Love is a book on how to make your personal journey thrilling, peaceful, and filled with joy. It should be an ever-lasting, fulfilling adventure, no matter what external conditions are in place. You can have a fabulous first class journey if you know the secrets of how to fly.
Steven Halpern
Harnessing the Healing Powers of Sound and Music
It's easier than you might have thought to enhance the quality of your physical and spiritual health and wellbeing by decreasing unhealthy and stressful sounds at home or work, listening to healing music, and making some of your own sounds.
Eco-Mythology: Stories of Spirit & Nature
Storytelling is an ancient art. It helps us to understand ourselves and the world around us.When we employ our imaginations to address contemporary problems amazing stories can emerge. This is an invitation to experience the healing of our relationship to the natural world through story.
Lee Carroll
Kyron and the Indigo Children
Carroll shares his story about channeling Kryon, his experience as
co-author of The Indigo Children, and his wisdom about the Shift happening
on our planet, the Mayans, and 2012. Note: This is a recorded
interview from Dec. 8, 2009, not a live event
Choosing ME before We
A new kind of self-love expert, Christine Arylo takes a fresh approach to redefining selflove
for today's woman as hip, hot and hers. A recovering achievement junkie and doing
addict herself, Christine is the inspirational catalyst for today's 21st century woman... a
woman who knows she can do anything but now feels pressured to do everything!
Joan Borysenko
It's Not the End of the World
All around we see chaos -- economic collapse, financial disaster,
and global environmental devastation of unprecedented
proportions. But in the midst of the chaos and crisis, lies the gift and the
promise of change.
Lucia René
Unplugging The Patriarchy
Lucia writes "Between now and 2012, as the old patriarchal age ends and a new age begins, we—women and men alike—have a window of opportunity: the opportunity to dream a new world based in the energy of the heart, masculine/feminine balance, unconditional love, and respect. There is no question that this new world will prevail. The only question is: How big can we dream?"
Master Youir Workday Now!
this call, Michael reveals how to approach every workday with an optimistic
outlook to produce the career of your dreams.