Suzanne Falter-Barns
Tuesday, 15 December 2009 15:27

I am excited about my interview with Suzanne Falter-Barns today at 4 p.m. ET. She will discuss Finding Your People, Your Offer, Your Brand, Your Niche…Using Spirit

Learn how to tap into Spirit to select the perfect niche for your business AND brand it to stand apart from the pack and attract media. To register for our free event, go to our front page at

I awaken at 3:33 or 2:22 or 1:11 a.m. with distinct, bold, and compelling messages sitting inside my Heart, my Soul, my Spirit, and my Source. Sometimes the words hover above my highest heart until they feel heard. My heart's whisper is unyielding, courageous, and strong. Her vibration is physical; her yearning for release is conscious and urgent and now.

Several years ago, my Heart's Whisper awakened me with the absolute certainty that I must find my people and create a global gathering place...a sacred space for love and connection. I had no clue what that meant or how I would accomplish it; it was a puzzle, but new pieces of the puzzle unfolded daily.

Suzanne Falter-Barns was a powerful piece of that puzzle and that unfoldment. When I was sad, "How Much Joy..." showed up in my life. When I floundered in the game of being known, "Get Known Now" arrived in my inbox. When I did not know the next step, Serenity Hawkfire led the way magically, irreverently, and with the spirit of fun to help me find my people using my spirit. Without knowing it, Suzanne impacted my life and my work in a huge and powerful way. For me, her work was spiritual, authentic, and evolutionary.

Acting on my longings has become a brilliant unfoldment -- a beautiful gathering of brilliant hearts and minds across the planet -- a community of evolutionary leaders...pure collective consciousness, pure creational power.

One heart, one vibration, one love...

All my love,
Linda L. Pannell

Last Updated on Monday, 08 February 2010 17:35