Thursday, 17 December 2009 14:27 |
Today's call with global
evolutionary and new-thought leader, Maryam
Webster, is a blend of Healing Party, Solstice
Ritual, Holiday TeleGathering, and Fun--and
perhaps even a Mystery Guest if the plane
arrives in time! Join us and experience
the magic at
Maryam shares her 5 Keys to Remaining Conscious
& Blissful Through the Holidays. Discover how
simple it can be to evolve consciousness while
you stay hassle-free, BEing Bliss for
the holiday season. Maryam will do a
Solstice Ritual to honor the changing of the
seasons. And because today is my dad's 82nd
birthday, I am dedicating this celebration to him.
Last Updated on Thursday, 17 December 2009 14:31 |