Monday, 01 August 2011 14:55

..."If one man can hate so much, think how much power there is when many send love." -- Alette from Norway

Alette, a member of our World Changing Wisdom Family writes a powerful reminder and a message for each of us:

"We have had a saddening situation here in Norway these days. So many of our young have been killed by one in a most evil way. We have however faught the evil with Love. The whole Country has filled the streets with flowers and love. We will not let our hearts be filled with hate. This is the message that come from the survivers.

If one man can hate so much, think how much power there is when many send love. Take care, Alette"

Today, Norway begins to bury young victims of last week's massacre. There are no words to express the emotion, the anguish, or the heinousness of the act.

Yet, what was designed to "spark war" has created unity and a coming together of hearts in Norway and around the world.

As I write, I am shaking with love at the power of Alette's words, which turned my sadness, incoherence, and overcare into compassion, care, and love.

Thank you Alette

I invite you to send heart, care, and love to the families, to the community, and to Norway.

..."If one man can hate so much, think how much power there is when many send love."

All my love,

