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Love is the most powerful force in the Universe, and it is also the most available force, because everyone can access its power. - Dr. Martin Luther King
Fr**ee Live Global Training Event
from the Comfort of Your Home
(An introduction to a 10 week tele-series of the same name.)
Sheva Carr, Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Polarity Therapist, and founding director of HeartMath's HeartMastery program
With Guest Speakers Robert Thomas Browning, B.A. Director & Master Teacher - HeartMath® LLC, Health Care Systems Watson Caring Science Institute - Faculty.
Hosted by
Linda L. Pannell, World Changing Wisdom, & Conscious Alliances
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
8:30 - 9:30 p.m. ET (5:30 - 6:30 p.m. PT)
In this fr**ee, live training call, Everyone is a Healer: The Healing Power of Love, tap into the healing power of love, to facilitate self-healing, healing for those you love, and healing for our planet. Redefine healing as wholeness.
Sheva Carr, Doctor of Oriental Medicine and Polarity Therapist, with Guest Speaker, Robert Thomas Browning, who brings HeartMath and Caring Science to hospitals to help health-care teams heal themselves and create healing environments, present this live global learning experience on health and healing. Both Sheva and Robert will share their personal healing journeys and how that has informed their work helping others to heal. Sheva will incorporate her extensive wisdom and training in Chinese Medicine, Qi Gong, Polarity Therapy, Acupuncture, Tibetan Medicine, Kabbalah, Ho O Pono Pono, Nutrition, Yoga, Pilates, Art and Music Therapy, Doula and Midwifery, and HeartMath, integrating tools and techniques to access our innate power and intelligence to help us heal in more than just the physical dimension of our lives. Robert will share the exciting news of how alternative modalities and the heart of healing are infiltrating hospital systems through tools like HeartMath and the work of Dr. Jean Watson.
Everyone Is A Healer: The Healing Power of Love --Written By Sheva Carr as an Acupuncture Intern
Do I cure my patients?
Do I bloom the jasmine blossoms beneath my window?
Just as it is natural for a jasmine to bloom when given sunlight and water and plenty of room
My patients heal themselves.
We doctors are humans not elves.
Like gardeners who nurture each rose bush and blue bell,
We provide the ground in which our patients can grow and be well.
“Have you ever skinned your knee or gotten a paper cut, and seen how without any intervention on your part the cut or scrape healed day by day? If we did not take this process for granted, we would have to drop to our knees (hopefully not the skinned ones!) with awe at how miraculous we naturally are! Everyone is a healer. Which is to say every body is capable of healing, and has within it systems which facilitate well-being. When I was in Chinese Medical School we used to say that if you were breathing, more had to be going right with your body/mind than wrong with it, just because of the millions things that had to come into place for a single breath!
“... You will also be empowered to redefine “healing” so that you are liberated from chasing physical cures and open to seeing the gifts of consciousness available in disease and well-being both. You will be given practical methods by which you can tap into the healing power of love, to facilitate self-healing, healing for those you love, and healing for our planet.
“One of my favorite examples of the healing power of love comes from a newspaper article called the “Rescuing Hug”. A photo of premature newborn twins shows one twin with a yellow dot on her diaper, being hugged by her sister with a red dot on her diaper. Hospital policy had been for the twins to be in separate incubators. Three months premature, the younger twin was dying. Her heart rate would not regulate, her temperature refused to rise to normal. On intuition, a nurse placed the older twin in her sister’s incubator, and the older twin immediately, at three months premature, wrapped her arms around her sister in care. Within minutes, the younger twin’s heart rate regulated, her temperature rose to normal, and both twins lived. Two hearts that beat as one is not just a poetic song title- it is a scientific fact with implications far beyond what we have yet to manifest in our world. Care counts. Love saves lives. What could it do for our world? And if a premature baby is capable of this, what could we who are reading these words accomplish? Tune into “Everyone is a Healer- the Healing Power of Love” and let’s find out!” -- Sheva Carr
Join host Linda Pannell with Sheva and Robert on Wednesday, June 29, 2011 at 8:30 ET for this alivening and enlightening one-hour live call to explore your own ability to heal naturally.
What You Can Expect
Discover some of the science behind the healing power of love
Redefine “healing” so that it is no longer bound by the chase for physical cures, but embraces the awakening of consciousness
Receive practical methods by which you can tap into the healing power of love, to facilitate self-healing, healing for those you love, and healing for our planet.
Hear an overview of the upcoming 10-Week Healing Journey, Everyone Is A Healer: The Healing Power of Love
Please register even if you are not able to attend the live event. The event will be recorded, and a replay will be available for everyone who registers for the event. To register, please complete the information in the box below:
Biographical Sketches
Sheva Carr, Co-Host and Instructor
Sheva Carr is a doctor of Oriental Medicine and the founding CEO of a company called “Fyera!” . Fyera, (pronounced "Fee-air-ah,") is defined as a great feeling in your heart, when your arms fly up over your head and a "yes!" to life flies out of your mouth. ” Sheva is also the Executive Director of the nonprofit Fyera Foundation and the Sunflower SunPower Kids. She is the founding director of HeartMath’s HeartMastery Program.
Sheva speaks to and educates people all over the world about how to receive the benefits of the heart’s impact on consciousness, health, performance, creativity and social change. Sheva’s clients, including top performers in sports and entertainment, as well as health care providers, entrepreneurs and political leaders, are empowered to boost performance and relieve anxiety, depression and stress while creating innovation and personal fulfillment in all dimensions of their lives.
Robert Thomas Browning, Guest Speaker
Robert Thomas Browning, a Master Teacher for HeartMath and faculty member for the Watson Caring Science Institute, helps create the linkages between Caring Science and Heart Science. Robert’s focus is solely on manifesting the principals of care in the health care world. He has dedicated his life to advancing human behavior to its next level of genuine care. During a 15 year intensive study of human emotion, his expertise is grounded in how to transform stressful emotion into more vitality, productivity and care.
The research and education generated by the Institute of HeartMath has become the primary focus of his recent study with an emphasis on the creation of coherent field environments and the impact this has on the healing environment. He has dedicated his life to teaching, educating and producing events internationally based on the power of the human heart and advancing the balance and fulfillment of all.
Some of the nation’s top academic universities and hospitals work closely with Robert, bringing this knowledge base and heart skills to leadership, staff and patients. Duke University Hospital, Stanford University Hospital & School of Medicine, University of California San Francisco, U.C.L.A and the Mayo Clinic Hospital are a few that have engaged in the integration of this education and research generated from HeartMath for both staff and patients.
HeartMath’s close alliance with the Watson Caring Science Institute has resulted in new merged content and education advancing the creation of heart based healing environments, from the inside out.
Disclaimer: All information presented in this live event, in the recordings, on the website/s and/or in any other information (written, digital, audio, video, or other format) about or contained in this event is for educational purposes only, being mindful that every human body has the ability to heal itself and that it is possible to facilitate the natural ability of the human body to heal itself. Our purpose is to honor that healing ability and the healer within, not to cure disease but to touch the root meaning of the word healing which is “to make whole. This information is not medical advice and it is not a substitute for medical advice. We strongly encourage you to consult with your medical doctor, psychologist, psychiatrist, counselor or other health-care provider for disease, illness, or sickness. This information has not been evaluated by the FDA. It is for informational purposes and is not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure disease.
Our email list is by permission only. We will never share your information with any unauthorized third party.
HearthMath is a registered trademark of The Institute of HeartMath.