Patrick Ryan: Awakening to Wisdom
Wednesday, 07 July 2010 17:37

Patrick RyanPlease join me on Wednesday, July 21st at 79 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT for a conversation with Patrick Ryan, author of Awakened Wisdom: A Guide to Reclaiming Your Brilliance.

This teleseminar is presented at no cost to you. Please register even if you cannot attend the live event. The replay will be available immediately after the call...just click the webcast link you receive when you register for the live event.

Patrick Ryan’s life experiences are as varied as they are unique. He died from a drug overdose in his late teens, only to be revived with a new understanding of the Divine. As a Buddhist monk in Burma (now Myanmar), he practiced the path of awakened living, according to Buddhist philosophy. He has also studied indigenous wisdoms with a variety of teachers.

Patrick has taken this knowledge into the modern world and traveled the globe training personal and executive coaches in fundamental and advanced coaching skills. Today, Patrick Ryan is an executive coach, leadership trainer, author, entrepreneur, and founder of Awakened Wisdom Experiences™ Inc.

His work focuses on questions of personal effectiveness and leadership. He powerfully integrates his rich life experiences with ancient teachings and modern applications to help deepen his clients’ understandings of their own experiences. He is passionate about serving the world’s need for consciousness development. “I wanted to create a vehicle that can provide opportunities for amazing and talented people to get out into the world and contribute in ways that are only possible through our collective ability to do it together. I am thrilled at the amazing group that has shown up to take part in this great adventure.”

Awaken to WisdomHis new book Awakened Wisdom blends Buddhist, Native, and collected wisdoms into a beautifully crafted healing message for our modern culture. Ryan’s message to his readers is simple and profound: we get to choose how we want to live during our time on this planet. He offers up sound wisdom about how we might access different aspects of our Selves, as well as sage teachings and practical ideas for understanding and embodying the eight states of an awakened life.

Awakened Wisdom includes exercises, daily practices, and plenty of anecdotes from Ryan’s own experiences along the journey that is our human experience. This book is equally valuable for those just beginning the exploration into the essence of who they are as it is for those who have a deep spiritual practice. As Ryan says, “It’s all part of the journey.”

Patrick is married and lives in Mill Valley, California and Vancouver, British Columbia. He travels extensively and offers workshops in the San Francisco Bay Area, the Midwest, Vancouver, Frankfurt Germany, Israel, Dubai and Jordan.


Last Updated on Monday, 12 July 2010 19:31