Sheva Carr: HeartMastery |
SHEVA'S INCREDIBLE SPECIAL OFFERS Every email I read talks about recession proofing your business or the dire state of our economy. I am tired of reading and hearing those words. If I never hear them again, I will be happy. I used to say our businesses needed healing, but now is the time to go beyond healing, to scrap the old, to stop repairing and fixing. The time is now to create all new paradigms for everything--education, love, relationships, intimacy, parenting, entertainment, social responsibility....simply everything. My beautiful friend and mentor, Soleira Green, planted the seeds of that passion, which is a huge part of my purpose in having created Conscious Alliances and World Changing Wisdom. I have said many times, our businesses are the fullest expression of who we are...heart, art, breath, spirit, soul, love, fire. And it all begins with the energy of the heart. The Heart holds all possibility and all power to create all things new on our planet. Each of us with a heart holds the power and the possibility, but sometimes we are not aware of our innate tools and wisdom to access and hold the power of the heart. HeartMath helps us to remember our tools; it shares with us the heart technology of the ages coupled with the leading-edge science of spirit. Sheva wants to share those tools with the world. Sheva has created a very special offer for those who are listening to this call. For those who want to immerse themselves in the power of this Heart Technology and who are ready to make the commitment ... 12-Month HeartMastery Program(Sheva is offering this program to listeners from my community. Please contact Sheva at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or call her at 310-428-2714: please tell Sheva you are a member of my community to get the discount.) Use the coupon code from the banner below: Sheva Carr, Heart Math
Welcome to Fyera! And to feeling better, more often. Licensed by a company called HeartMath®, where researchers have proven that positive feeling states not only feel good but are good for you, at Fyera! we give individuals and health care providers a scientifically proven road map to feeling great and sustaining it, no matter what. In the Fyera! Beginner HeartMath Workshop you will learn how to take charge of your health and your life, becoming your own internal “pharmacist” by mastering your emotions and your stress. |