Heart of Business Mastermind - HeartMind

Sheva CarrThe heart’s tools, while deceptively simple, are profound and enduring, connecting you to Source and attracting unimaginable resources and people to help you unfold and live your heart’s highest calling.

Tapping into the heart’s wisdom reveals the next step and eliminates stress and limits, creating not only ease and inspiration but also flow, joy, peace, energy, and abundance toward your highest heart’s blueprint and calling.

I believe there are no secrets and no keys, only places within our hearts that have not been explored—ancient places holding ancient heart wisdom and heart technologies begging for expression in modern miracles.

Are you ready to tap into your heart’s genius? Are you prepared for a full-on, full-out experience and exploration, moving full circle from the knowings and wisdom of the heart to actions from the heart, creating space for new perspectives, new ideas, and new ways of creating the biggest, most expansive expression of who you are?

With your highest expression and calling in mind (and heart), I have asked Sheva Carr, CEO of Fyera! and world-renowned HeartMath trainer, to join me in creating a 3-month Heart of Business Mastermind Experience to help you access your heart’s genius, tap into the collective wisdom of the mastermind.

In Sheva's words, "I am so delighted to be offering this course alongside Linda and welcome you to join us. I became a CEO and Executive Director before I had any business training, and I know first hand of the tremendous challenges those of us in leadership positions face- cashflow, personnel, taxes, payroll, client aquisition, corporate compliance... It is easy to lose heart and forget the heart of our businesses! But it is essential that we keep heart, and keep the heart at the forefront of our businesses if they are to succeed on any level - even to be profitable financially. When I first incorporated Fyera!, my accountant looked at me as I signed the documents and announced, "You know 50% of businesses fail within the first year and 95% are gone after five years, right?" Nice encouragement! I assumed that he was implying that most businesses go bankrupt. He gave me in that moment the inner resolve to be in the 5% after five years that make it- and to have a BIG celebration! Much to my amazement, later in the year as I began taking business courses I learned that most businesses do NOT go bankrupt- their owners and leaders burn out. That's right! They lose heart! They go heart bankrupt! The businesses that make it are the ones where no matter what the obstacles, the owners and leaders and staff stay connected in their hearts to each other, and to the vision, mission, purpose and value of their business in their hearts. Join us and join the top 5% of business owners who last! Our time together will be informed by tools from the renown HeartMath companies, tools that Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 Companies pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to bring into their organizations to reduce employee stress and turnover, increase team building and leadership, reduce sick days, improve customer satisfaction, and increase profitability and the bottom line. I will share personal stories of how again and again I came close to being in the 95% statistic, took heart, and succeeded at a whole new level. I so look forward to seeing you succeed similarly, inside and out, and joining you in the Heart of Business series together!

With heart,

Tapping into the group mastermind and collective wisdom expands everyone exponentially, and the Mastermind is a safe place for full exploration.

This group meets 2 times each month beginning in March.

Bi- Monthly (every other week) Heart of Business Mastermind

  • Following Napolean Hill’s secret to success, discovered after interviewing hundreds of the world’s most successful people on behalf of Andrew Carnegie, this mastermind will set you up for Heart of Business fulfillment and success, side by side. 6 ninety-minute sessions on Thursdays from 6:00-7:30 pm EST beginning on March 11
  • Cost- $247 per month- includes 3 laser coaching calls (the first Monday of each month…see below) at no charge, and preferential priority in laser coaching queue

Monthly laser coaching session – A one-hour group call the First Monday 6 p.m. EST

  • Call in with questions and receive on-the-spot help from your facilitators! Or listen to the questions brought by others to learn ahead of your game so you don’t have to play out the same challenge in your business!

What you will take away the Collective Group Wisdom, Expanded Perspective, and Expanded Awareness about:

The Power of Coherence

You will discover how to access your connection to your heart, discovering both the ancient wisdom and the modern science revealing:

  • The spiritual, heart-full nature of a successful business.
  • In the midst of chaos, how to connect to your heart’s deep wisdom anytime, anywhere

How to trust your heart’s knowing: Accessing the Genius of the Heart

  • Understand and apply the wisdom, power, and possibility of Contrast
  • Expand your awareness of the power and potential of the heart
  • Access essential Heart Wisdom for unfolding your heart’s highest blueprint for your business
  • Learn power tools to unlock the heart’s genius within your business
  • Experience powerful and transformational shifts in perspective
  • Easily attract uniquely-qualified customers
  • Reduce stress, feel better, get more done, and create more money in less time
  • Tools to overcome frustration, isolation, overwhelm
  • Create from the power of your emotions
  • Tap into the Universal Heart and Brain

Your business and your goals -- Creating from the heart:

  • How to listen to your heart’s whisper for your business.
  • Allowing your business to run with you…carrying you all the way
  • Creating Your Miracles

Values and Value

Tapping into the Group Heart and Mastermind -- Collective Group Wisdom and Resources

  • Connection and co-creation with like minds and hearts
  • Support, accountability, and validation
  • Collaboration, Community, Creativity, Accountability
  • Your own infinite power and possibility to create what you want
  • Resources and Reconnection to Source
  • The power of the heart and spirit for success in business
  • Power of Easy and Fun

Experience The Power of the Mastermind to help you reach your goals:

  • Get clear on your Values, Value, and Vision and use them as beacons instead of leaving them at the door
  • Get clear on your goals and intentions and take action steps that are congruent with who you are from a Coherent Heart to create desired outcomes
  • Practical, grounded tools, wisdom, strategies, and practices to heal and promote your business
  • Experience powerful and transformational shifts in perspective
  • Reduce stress, feel better, get more done, and create more money in less time
  • Create environments for Sustainability and Success, creating a vacuum that pulls you forward,
  • Tools to overcome frustration, isolation, overwhelm
  • Expand the reach and the power of your message
  • Get Clear about Money and Value

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