Finding Your People, Your Offer, Your Brand, Your Niche ... Using Spirit
Conference description
Suzanne Falter-Barns helps solo professionals, conscious business owners, life coaches and other small businesses define and design an online presence that attracts major media and publishers, and a WHOLE lot more clients. Suzanne’s clients have gotten calls 'out of the blue' from USA Today, Self, Sixty Minutes, PBS, Wall Street Journal, as well as offers of book deals and more. Why? Because their sites (blogs) are designed to be especially attractive to the media and really findable -- and this has been huge for their credibility and their ability to increase their reach. (Hint: It’s all about your media ‘hook’.) And because Suzanne's take is a nice mash up of business-minded and spiritual ... you're going to learn how to bring in Spirit to move far beyond where you've been stuck in terms of reach. Because the best, most effective platforms are created from your Soul Purpose -- as well as your marketing mojo.
Suzanne Falter-Barns teaches coaches, authors, speakers and infopreneurs how to build platform and attract major media and publishers. After working with Suzanne, her clients have been called cold by CNN, Time, Sixty Minutes, PBS, Self, People and many other major media outlets. They’ve also been offered major publishing deals, and created successful six figure businesses. Suzanne has published two best selling self help books with the world’s biggest publisher, and has, herself, been featured in many major publications and in more than 100 radio and TV programs. She also has a 20-year history in marketing, promotion and journalism in New York City, including work with The New York Times Company, Hearst, and Conde Nast. She knows how major media and publishers think, and how to package your gifts most effectively to attract the biggest audience.